Saturday, August 21, 2010

Shampoo and conditioner question?

is there any shampoos and conditioners that are bad for your hairShampoo and conditioner question?
if you read the bottle and you have fine hair and its for think hair don't use it. and vice versa. get the picture? if not here's another. if you have curly hair and it says its for straight hair, don't use it. its not particualrly bad for your hair, it just wont give it what it needs to stay healthy.Shampoo and conditioner question?
I don't buy shampoo in those huge containers.
I don't think so. I mean some shampoos are better than others but I don't think they are BAD for your hair.
there are no bad ones just different oes the trick is to find one thats right for you. Aquage is a really good line of hair products
Yes!!! A lot of shampoos and conditioners are alcohol based and that is bad for your hair. Try to get a shampoo and conditioner that has a low ph balance.
i heard pantene shampoo is bad and makes your hair fall out.

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